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Client Bill of Rights

  1. A Client has the right to be dealt with by the provider of the home and community care service in a respectful manner and to be free from physical, sexual, mental, emotional, verbal and financial abuse by the provider.
  2. A Client has the right to be dealt with by the provider of the home and community care service in a manner that respects the Client’s dignity and privacy and that promotes the Client’s autonomy and participation in decision-making.
  3. A Client has the right to be dealt with by the provider of the home and community care service in a manner that recognizes the Client’s individuality and that is sensitive to and responds to the Client’s needs and preferences, including preferences based on ethnic, spiritual, linguistic, familial and cultural factors.
  4. A Client has the right to receive home and community care services free from discrimination on any ground of discrimination prohibited by the Human Rights Code or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  5. A Client who is First Nations, Métis or Inuk has the right to receive home and community care services in a culturally safe manner.
  6. A Client has the right to clear and accessible information about their home and community care services.
  7. A Client has the right to participate in the assessment of their needs, development of their care plan, reassessment of their needs and revision of their care plan.
  8. A Client has the right to designate a person to be present with them during assessments.
  9. A Client has the right to designate a person to participate in the development, evaluation and revision of their care plan.
  10. A Client who receives more than one home and community care service has the right to receive assistance in co-ordinating their services from the health service provider or Ontario Health Team.
  11. A Client has the right to give or refuse consent to the provision of any home and community care service.
  12. A Client has the right to raise concerns or recommend changes in connection with the home and community care service provided to them and in connection with policies and decisions that affect their interests, to the provider of the home and community care service, the Agency and its employees, government officials or any other person, without fear of interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal.
  13. A Client who receives a home and community care service has the right to be informed of the laws, rules and policies affecting the operation of the provider of the home and community care service, including this Client Bill of Rights, and to be informed, in writing, of the procedures for initiating complaints about the provider.